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Our Vision

Mevaseret Truth is a local, theologically Baptist, Christian fellowship meeting in the Judean Hills area.

By God’s grace, our purpose as a fellowship is to glorify the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

We aim to worship God in spirit and in truth, to study the Holy Scriptures to the best of our ability and understanding, and to grow in their light, as a united spiritual family, towards spiritual maturity in Christ. 

We aim to work together to spread the knowledge of God and the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world around us through active evangelism and the encouragement of our members to share their faith in Jesus Christ with the people in their lives.

We are a Conservative-Evangelical fellowship in nature.

We believe in the importance of thorough and faithful study of the Holy Scriptures and aspire to implement in our lives the principles of grace, love, mutual accountability, holiness, and righteousness that are taught in them.

Mevaseret Truth fellowship aspires to be a part of the Body of Christ in Israel and to cooperate, to the best of our ability, with other Conservative Evangelical and Messianic congregations who share our core beliefs and the vision upon which our fellowship is founded.

This is a translation of a Hebrew original. In any potential case of doubt or discrepancy between the documents, the Hebrew original is the final authority.


We believe in one omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent God, eternally existing in three persons: the Father, the Word (the Son), and the Holy Spirit, one in essence but distinct in person and function.


We believe that the 66 books of the Hebrew Bible and the Greek New Testament, in their original manuscripts, are fully inerrant and are sovereignly and actively inspired by God. 
The Scriptures are of supreme and final authority for us, in matters of faith and life. 
Accordingly, we reject any theology or spiritual doctrine that is based on extra-biblical tradition, or upon mystical, personal, or subjective experiences alone.



We believe in God’s direct creation of the universe in six literal days according to the biblical account, and that Adam and Eve, the first people, were real people and are not merely allegories or myths.

We believe that there is not, nor can ever be, a true contradiction between the Bible and empirical science, but that not everything that is nowadays marketed as ‘science’ is in fact proven empirical science, nor is every biblical interpretation indeed a legitimate interpretation.


We believe that Jesus Christ, Immanuel (God with us), the unique Son of God, has existed eternally as the Word of God, and that He became flesh, was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.

We believe that He is, in nature, truly God and truly man.

We believe that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life, died on the cross for our sins and was physically resurrected on the third day, so proving that His sacrifice was accepted and that the wages of our sin were paid in full.

We believe in His ascension into heaven, and in His present life there as high-priest and advocate on our behalf.



We believe that the Holy Spirit is a living person of the triune God and that He is the agent of the new birth through conviction of sin and regeneration. 

The Holy Spirit seals, indwells and baptizes every true believer into the Body of Christ at the moment of salvation.

We believe that the Holy Spirit fills and empowers believers, and bestows upon them spiritual gifts, according to His own will and timing, to serve God’s Kingdom and one another.

We believe that God may heal the sick and perform miracles and wonders whenever He so pleases, yet we believe that the gifts of signs and omens given to men at the time of the apostles of Christ, as well as the gifts of prophecy and supernatural knowledge, have completed their intended role at the end of the Apostolic Age, and are not given at this time.


We believe that unlike the rest of God’s creation, man was created in the very image of God Himself, yet when man sinned, he brought upon himself, his descendants and upon the physical creation the curse of death.

We believe that all mankind since is born spiritually blind and sinfully corrupt in nature, and that we are sinners in thought, word and deed and are unable to save ourselves from sin.


We believe that from the beginning of creation, God created two biological genders - male and female.

We believe that there is no difference in value between men and women, but that there is a difference in the roles and the callings that God had prepared for men and for women, both within the family-unit and in their spiritual service in the church.

We believe that the biblical covenant of marriage was designed to be an earthly symbol of the spiritual relationship between Christ and His church, and that it may only exist between a biological male and a biological female, and that too, only according to the detailed restrictions of the Scriptures in their due context.

We believe that a person’s gender is determined objectively, based on their biological identity at birth, and that there is no spiritual need nor ability, for man or woman, to subjectively change their gender before the God who had created them according to His will.


We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross as a substitution sacrifice for all our sins, past, present, and future. 

We believe that salvation is a gift of grace, given through genuine faith alone, and that through this saving faith, that changes the heart of the believer and causes him/her to submit to God’s will in his/her life, the believer gets to wear the righteousness of Christ.

We believe that true believers are eternally secure in their salvation and that the gift of salvation is not based on a person's own deeds either before, during or after his salvation. Yet, we believe that sincere and saving faith, becomes evident by a regenerate and repentant heart that does sooner or later bear fruit in the life of the believer and is expressed in personal sanctification and good deeds.


We believe that the worldwide Church, which is Christ’s bride and body, is a spiritual organism consisting of all believers in Jesus Christ, both Jews and Gentiles, who are born again of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that through the sacrifice of Christ, the dividing wall of partition was removed, and that within the Church there is no difference in value between Jew and Gentile, man or woman, rich or poor.

We believe that it is God’s plan for the Church to worship Him in spirit and in truth and to preach the gospel of Christ to the whole world, starting from Jerusalem.

We believe that a local church should be self-ruling and independent of outside leadership, and united together in faith, spiritual service, worship, and Christly sanctification.

We believe by the testimony of the scriptures that only men, who have been tested by biblical standards, may serve as leaders in the church, and that women do not have the authority to lead, preach and teach, in a spiritual sense, to the entire church. 
Women may and are encouraged to preach, teach, and spiritually guide other women as well as small children of both genders.

We believe, in this time, in the separation of religious and state affairs, until Jesus Christ returns to reign on the throne of the promised kingdom of David in Jerusalem.

We aim to be humble, faithful, and law-abiding citizens of the state. Albeit we believe that the authority of God is greater than the authority of the state, and that in those rare cases in which the two authorities cannot be reconciled, we must obey God, who is the higher authority.
We believe that we are free to enjoy spiritual fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ from other churches, but that we should not partnership in any spiritual work with such movements and fellowships that significantly compromise biblical truth and doctrine. 



We believe that we have much to learn from the Law of Moses and the many spiritual principles that it teaches us, and that there is no sin in using the traditions of the Law as symbols pointing to Christ and the New Covenant, yet we believe that we must not be enslaved by the Law nor try to be justified by it.

We believe that those who are born-again by the Holy Spirit, either Jews or Gentiles, are a new creation in Christ and are spiritually considered ‘dead and resurrected to new life’.

The Law, which is a covenant in this world only, is not a binding covenant for those who are born-again due to the obvious principle that the dead are not required to keep the Law.

We see the Law as a guardian who is commissioned to lead those who are submitted to it to faith in Christ, yet after one is saved, he/she is no longer under the authority of the guardian.


We believe that biblical baptism is done in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, by full immersion in water. We believe that it is intended for believers only, as an outward symbol of their inner repentance towards God and their belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of their own spiritual death, burial, and resurrection with Him.

We believe that the Lord's Supper should be shared only with baptized believers, to symbolize His death ‘until He comes’ and as a symbol of our unity in the spiritual Body of Christ.

In a time of need, any baptized believer may baptize other believers who are not yet baptized and may serve the Lord’s Supper to his believing brothers and sisters, but for the sake of good order we prefer to have the church’s elders administer these sacred ordinances.


We believe in the soon-coming return of our Lord Jesus Christ, immediately before the great and terrible Day of the Lord’s wrath, to gather all true believers unto Himself and to severely judge the wicked and the unrepentant.

We believe that our Lord Jesus Christ will come back to earth with a select army of saints to reign on the throne of David in Jerusalem for a thousand years during a golden age of peace.

We believe that during that time, all the prophecies and promises of Scripture which foretell and assure the coming regeneration and restoration of national Israel in their historical homeland, will be fulfilled.

At the end of this millennial reign comes the end of this age/world, the final resurrection, and the judgment of unbelievers.

We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting salvation of the redeemed of Christ in a new heaven and a new earth, and the everlasting contempt of the lost in the lake of fire.

במה אנחנו מאמינים

About our founders


Lior Tisson (pronounced 'Lee-Aur') - The founder of Mevaseret Truth fellowship is a kibbutznik from the Jordan Valley who came to saving faith in Jesus Christ in 1996 while on a trip to England.

Lior and Karolina got married in 2001 and have two boys and two... boys (4 boys).

Lior began his theological training at the Israel College of the Bible (then in Jerusalem) in 1997, and graduated in 2015 from the Baptist Bible College (The Agricola Theological Institute) in Espoo, Finland.
Since early 2020, Lior and his family have been back in Israel with a vision in their hearts to serve the Lord in Israel.

Nowadays Lior and Karolina are focusing on evangelism and discipleship, both online and face-to-face, and are planting a new local fellowship in their area of residence.

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